We are proud to be the exclusive Eastern Sierra Dealer of Dirty Girl Gaiters. These are primarily used with trail running shoes and low to mid ankle hiking shoes, to help keep dirt, dust and grit out of your shoes. They are super light weight (weighing less than 2oz per pair) and attach easily and securely to your shoe. They do require a small piece of velcro (included) be attached to the back of the shoe.
These will not work to keep deep snow out of your shoes or boots, for that you need a more robust and taller gaiter.
Of Dirty Girl Gaiters, store co-owner Todd Vogel is often heard saying "I realized Dirty Girl Gaiters were a fashion accessory when I bought my fourth pair".
Pro tip: be sure to really clean the back of your shoe, even if they are new, prior to adhering the velcro.